The official QueueMetrics repository contains only production-quelity versions of QueueMetrics. Still, sometimes a beta version is released in RPM format, so we need to install it manually.

Make sure QueueMetrics is installed through yum

We want everything to be working before installing a beta, so we do the following steps to install the latest working version:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/loway.repo
yum install queuemetrics

And follow the on-screen database installation instructions.

Download and install the beta

As the beta will be installed locally and is not a signed package, we need to modify /etc/yum.conf and set gpgcheck=0 in the main section.

When this is done, you can download and install the package through:

yum localupdate queuemetrics-1.4.0b1-20.noarch.rpm

After it’s done, it’s a good idea to start the automatic datbase check and upgrade utility located at http://myserver:8080/queuemetrics/dbtest

Reverting to the last stable version

If you want to get back to the latest stable version, you can simply type the following commands:

yum remove queuemetrics
yum install queuemetrics

The beta will be removed and the last stable version will be pulled from the public repository.